This was the result of the Potts & Pans Toys for Tots Benefit concert. This was an incredible concert and was probably the best performance they have done so far. We are so proud to support a group that has made such a contribution to helping the people. They were able to collect and drop off 54 toys and $100 to Lee (in charge of Toys for Tots in McHenry county) and his appreciation and amazement to the size of the contribution made all the stress worth it! Special thanks goes out to Jim Potts Motor Group for donating an ad with Northwest Herald and Jo Williams for getting promotion on radio stations Star 105.5 and Y 103.9. Thank you to Sherri Dees of Ridgefield-Crystal Lake Presbyterian Church for her assistance in putting everything together and for organizing the accommodations at the church. Toys for Tots, for being such a great organization and everything they do to help the children of McHenry county and everywhere else in the country. Thank you to the students of the D155 Steelband for their hard work and great performance at the concert. Finally, thank you to all the audience members that came out and supported us and Toys for Tots!