Chalkdust - The Wake

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R.I.P Bertie...steelpan scientist, pan pioneer and tuner extraordinaire.

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  • I would certainly think  that a tribute to a pan collosus like Bertie Marshall,would make mention of the fact that he invented the Bertphone pan. He tuned the first set of double tenors with irregular shapes , his pans were the first to have sutained notes, so that a note was still ringing while the other note was being played. His Band Forsythe Hilanders was the first to hit the road with canopies. Bertie was a muliti genius: tuner, player, arranger, band leader. His genus is an extinct species. GOD rest his soul


  • This was a very moving and touching tribute in music and song performed by Hollis Liverpool, "The Mighty Chalkdust", on the occasion of the passing of the quintessential pan titan and icon, Bertie Marshall. However, it would have been more appropriate in honouring Bertie's legacy by having a steelband, or at least a steelpan, featured in the musical accompaniment in the songs.

    Bertie Marshall's entire life was totally dedicated to, and immersed in, the innovation, the development, the refinement and science of the steelpan. Certainly, it would be only fitting to honour in death this pan pioneer, with music from the musical instrument that was his life.

  • Thanks, ODW.  I know the "Pan Village" will be in full attendance at Bertie Marshall's wake & funeral.

    Meantime, this posting of Chaulkdust's "WAKE" permit those WST members who cannot attend to praise

    the extraordinary work of this pan pioneer.

    May he rest in pease.

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