Coach Lincoln "Tiger" Phillips - Rising Above the Crossbar

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The Civil Rights era is the backdrop to this story of a black college soccer team who played their hearts out to overcome racial injustice in 1970s USA. Stoc...

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  • Oh yeah!  The mighty Howard Bisons of the 70's.  Lived the experience and it was goooood.  Trini coach (Linclon "Tiger); Trini star players Keith Aqui, Ian Bain, Henderson .  Man, we Tinis used to walk around campus with big time swagger.  Thanks for the flashback.

  • Thanks for this reminder. I had forgotten him, so thanks. He was amazing and graceful powerhouse.

  • What else could you expect from a QRC boy?


    I was in class with Lincoln, I remember/

  • Thanks ODW: I do recall those HU student days when soccer (and cricket) was scorned by Americans.

    My Tobago room mate was coached by Lincoln Phillips.

  • Excellent! Good representation Tiger of you, your country, the Caribbean and soccer!

    As one who attended Rutgers University in Camden New Jersey and played against Howard U in the mid to late 1970's, I know of the strength of the Bisons. I also know of the prejudice that teams of majority black composition faced. We also created history in South Jersey, having won our division and placed 6th in the USA in the NAIA.

    I want to hail up our coach, also a Trinidadian, George "Panther" Phillips, who always claimed that Lincoln was his cousin; we never believed him, though. George died earlier this year in a nursing home in Philadelphia. In 2005, he along with the record braking team was inducted into the 1st Hall Of Fame of Rutgers U - Camden.  and may his soul rest in peace! George did a lot for quite a few of the Caribbean nationals migrating to the USA.

  • The Civil Rights era is the backdrop to this story of a black college soccer team who played their hearts out to overcome racial injustice in 1970s USA. Stocked with some of the best Caribbean and African players of the era, the Howard University Bison went on to win two national championships under the martial discipline of Coach Lincoln "Tiger" Phillips. The Tiger made history by becoming the first college coach to win an NCAA championship for a Historically Black University, when the Bison stormed to the 1971 and 1974 titles. He is a former professional goalkeeper who did his utmost to repel the sorcery of Brazilian maestro Pelé in the early days of professional soccer in the United States, and helped take Trinidad & Tobago to bronze at the 1967 Pan Am Games. This biography crackles with anecdotes of Coach Phillips's life. From his roller skating, Carnival costume-wearing boyhood in Trinidad to his days as the nickname-bestowing soccer coach who expects his players to excel, academically and athletically, Above And Beyond will transport the reader from the tears of tough losses to the euphoria of two national titles. Read the story of an athlete and soldier so exhausted from long days of training for competition that he can't polish his army boots when he returns to base, and learn about the man who finds the ideal slogan to rally the embattled Howard team to a second national title after they're stripped of the first.

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