Crazy - In Time To Come (full version)

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This calypso from the year 2000 is considered by many a masterpiece , especially as some of its prognostications have come to pass. ( America having a black president , marijuana selling in shops ,etc.)Calypsonian Crazy did a masterful job in delivery and presentation , and this is certainly one of his best.Indeed Edwin Ayoung , the singer known as "Crazy" has been hailed as a genius by many , based on this performance and these lyrics.But the true genius lies with the composer of this classic , the relatively unheralded composer Winsford Devine, who happens to be one of our best and most prolific calypso songwriters ever.So in appreciation , I would like to dedicate this post to the great calypso composer Mr. Winsford Devine, hoping that "In time to come" he will be justly rewarded for his great work and contributions to our culture.Here in its entirety from the year 2000 is calypsonian Crazy, one of our best proponents of the calypso art-form , and Winsford Devine's "In Time To Come"Audio from.Kaiso Gems 2000 live.

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  • Allyuh notice how this calypso isn't fast tempo, and yet it makes you bounce and sway?

    Now that's the true spirit of calypso !

  • True dat!  True ting dat!

  • Thanks Glenroy, i did find Kitch's  "Fever" on your site ,

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