Cyril Diaz & His Orchestra - Voodoo

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The Cyril Diaz Orchestra was one of the best and most significant bands of the 1950's and a major contributor to the sound of Trinidad's music.Here from a Soundway EP from the nineteen fifties is tenor saxophonist Cyril Diaz and his orchestra and "Voodoo"

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  • Bob. I knew Your Parents and Your siblings. June - Stanley Jennifer Diaz. That time They were living on Clifton Street. Behind - The Bridge. As teenagers we worked at Matouks on Sackville Street.
  • Absolutely invigorating! No one could tell how to dance to this. You could do your thing and let the culture flow!!

  • So very nice.  Thank you.

  • Cyril Diaz + Sparrow = Magic when I was young in Antigua.

  • Throughout,Roots sound&feelin! Great thank you Glenroy....

  • Thank you Glenroy.

  • Most of his music was not arranged, the guys just wing their way through it. Luckily most of the guys he used were all pros.

  • Loved it! Brought back happy memories. Thanks for sharing, Glenroy

  • This orchestra 'backed' many calypsonians' recordings during mid-1950s and 1960s (perhaps later).

    I wish I knew the name of person usually featured on BASS. That distinctive tone and rhythm of the bass (not on

    this recording) tells me it's Cyril Diaz. 

  • I would like to welcome Robert Diaz, son of Trinidadian tenor saxophonist/ bandleader Cyril Diaz to this forum.

    Cyril Diaz is a significant contributor to Trinidad's music and culture, and his son Robert should be justly proud.

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