"Disco in Steel" - a 45 RPM LP Album by the Third World Steel Orchestra (1977)

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This 45 RPM album is a classic example of pan in the 1970's by the fabulous Third World Steel Orchestra, which unfortunately no longer exists.It consists of calypsonian Maestro's hit "Gold", and Glen Miller's standard from the 1940s, "American Patrol".Both are arranged by another of the great arrangers, Pelham Goddard.

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  • GRJ were you ever on any Patrol as Sweet as this American Patrol ? Well I'll guess not . Man its hair raising .

  • Listen to the clarity of the Back Ground Pans . Man those Bases "Talking " . Dey kar touch dis GOLD . It toooo HOT . 

  • For the records, Pelham and 3rd World Steel orchestras had other big hits but were not recorded.  Maestro's "Fiery" (1976) was big but the Judges did not go for it.   There were a few other bombs "Rockford Files", "Holiday for Strings", and "Morning Dance".

    "Silver Stars" Elizabethan Serenade was probably the steelband tune which stayed on the local charts for the longest number of weeks.



  • Another very good arrangement of this piece was by Morvant Ebonites, arranged by Knolly Bobb who is now deceased. It was done long before this version and also made The late Bob Gittens chart on Radio Trinidad
  • Is this not one of the first arrangement Pelham Goddard did for pan?
  • 24K without a doubt. Pure GOLD . " WHAT A PERFORMANCE " .
  • Gold , ah true classic , an very surprisingly ,not ah Panorama winner  . . . alldoe it was de most popular piece fuh dat . an ah few years after . .  big tanks tuh Pelham , Maestro  N of course   3rd World     . . an as fuh American Patrol . . was de highest any steelband ever reach on de radio music charts . . 5th on Rennie B  an  3rd on Phil de Trill . . both songs used tuh break dong dem parties . . . kongrats 3rd World  and W.S.T. fuh featurin dis music . .
  •   True true steelband music
  • To be treasured like 'GOLD'
  • Old times cosy feelin,.......
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