FONCLAIRE - Len "Boogsie" Sharpe's composition "Fire Down Below" arranged by Ken "Professor" Philmore (1989)

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Ken "Professor" Philmore came close to making pan history when he almost beat Len " Boogsie" Sharpe in Panorama 1989 with his arrangement of Boogsie's composition "Fire Down Below".This performance was at the semi finals.Both Boogsie's and Professor's arrangements are outstanding panorama classics, and they tied for second place on final night.Renegades , playing Baron's "Somebody" arranged by Jit Samaroo was the eventual winner.

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  • It would indeed have been historic if Professor had beaten Boogsie with his own tune.

  • I love this tune second to Pan By Storm....
  • Who knows, but chances are, Ken Philmore may have taken Fonclaire at a later time to the victory podium, if he had not part company with the band.
    Okay, this is for you trivia buffs! Name the Arranger and Steel Orchestra that also tied Boogsie and Phase II at a later Panorama.
  • lovely
    renegades did not win on that night
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