Guinness Cavaliers Steel Orchestra- "Tzina Tzina"

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Cavaliers perform their 1967 Bomb tune "Tzina Tzina"at the Panorama Champions of the 20th Century...'A Tribute to Excellence'.concert.An arrangement by Lennox "Bobby" Mohammed.I remember leaving my band Scarlet Symphony in the "traffic jam" that was J'ouvert morning on Harris Promenade to hear what Guinness had, and hearing this powerful, winning presentationBack then, there was an expression "Guinness is Power".That certainly applied to Guinness Cavaliers

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  • A treat for me, since I was abroad (at military college) when Bobby and Cavaliers were in their glory days. I did get a chance to listen to the band later, but, as I recall it, shortly after its tours with Amral's, it fizzed out. What a pity. This rendition takes its place among the gems of 'Bomb' tunes that are timeless. Thanks, Glenroy and WST.

  • I have a recording of this from 1967. I'm amazed how much the sound, arrangement and percussion are the same. They've really maintained it as a classic.

  • Hair Raising - Goose Bumps man . EXCELLENT Performance and the recording is very good for you can hear the different parts of the Band quite clearly . I hope this is played on the Road again for these GEMS must to be preserved . All Bands need to Renew their Vows with those WINNERS which brought them so much FAME and gave us so much JOY . Recently I listened to Solo Harmonites " The Wrecker " and man it gave me the chills and there I was back in the Savannah in 1968 . Please fellars lets preserve these PRECIOUS GIFTS for they represent the Great Strides that Pan and its' Music has made since Birth . Example = When you listen to a the Great Singing Groups of the past example " The Platters " their repertoire always consists of their Past Great Hits no matter the Older ones were replaced by the Younger Generation . So lets play them again on the Road , in the Concerts and various Performances which you Guys give . I am sure that this would be a delight to all Pan Lovers and for sure the Crowd would be there to enjoy once again your WINNERS . Thanks .

  • Another great 'GEM', Glen. Imagine the time, energy, money and reseach that you and other avid pan lovers expend in posting the lovely music via PAN (past to current)......FREELY!!!

    Knowing that 'Kindness' can never be repaid, I can only say 'THANKS" to WST for providing this platform and

    'MUCHO GRACIAS' to ALL contributing members. I continue to learn from those who post the music and other relevant information, as well as from those who comment. 

  • Another great forgotten bomb tune from Bobby Mohammed and Guinness Cavaliers was "Kiss of Fire" from the movie of the same name.

    That was also a powerful bomb tune.

    (Yes, Bede and Cecil, we did have bomb tunes in Sando in the golden age of pan}

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