Hugh Borde /Liberace/Sir Ellis Clarke/Ed Sullivan/

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Trinidad Tripoli Steelband & Liberace touring USA/performances on the Ed Sullivan Show,David Frost ,Mike Douglas,Sir Ellis Clarke,President George Maxwell,Pa...

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  • Based on accomplishments ..Ladies and gentlemen distinguished guests and ragamuffins I give you the number one ambassador of the steel drum movement Mr Hugh Borde and the Trinidad Tripoli Steelband, I remember  before 911 when discussions about the Liberace & Hugh Borde movie was who would be the better Liberace Sean Penn or my favorite then Robin Williams? With Denzel Washington as Hugh Borde, all of whom are now too old for the parts or no longer fit the profile,I just got off the phone with Hugh who was hustling out for a performance with yes the Trinidad Tripoli steel band live at the 'Ark' in Ann Arbor, Michigan under his leadership.I am hopeful that he will someday be appreciated for his influential role in bridging the gap between both race and class through the power of steel drum music in Trinidad & Tobago as well as USA where he received his medal of merit from then Pres. Ronald Reagan. Documentary and autobiography launch dates are next. Hugh's grand daughter, Zoe Soul { actress,dancer,singer} is also filming her second season on Reed Between the Lines, a BET sitcom spinoff the Cosby show with Malcolm Jamal Warner and Tracyee Ellen Ross as her parents,how about her 'Trini' grandpa ?

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