In She Rainorama - Inside Out Steelband

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Challenging piece written by Winston Scarborough and arranged by Liam Teague, who was also the guest artist. This perfomance was done by the Inside Out Steelband at the One World Theater in Austin, Texas on April 17, 2012. The band is made up mostly of students from McCallum and Bowie High Schools in Austin, Texas. (The Bowie HS students did not play on the piece.) Note the well earned enthusiasm of the audience, who gave them a standing ovation for this piece.

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  • Sound Of Steel-Pan-Power......

  • yes terry took your advice..... THE HAMMER rendition was even more joyful !!!!

  • Enjoyed this ! wow!


  • Masterfully done. Also listen to the 'Hammer" by the same steelband.

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