Invaders Steel Orchestra "Beethoven's Fifth"

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An uptempo arrangement of the First movement of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony by Invaders Steel orchestra. From the album "Town Say Invaders"

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  • Thank you so much Glenroy...I would never in my lifetime been able to hear this without your sharing it.

  • Good sounds Invadors !!

  • I was first excited thinking it was the classical version. This version is from the 1976 Istrumental "Classical Pop" and we also played this version and "Flight 76" on the Parkway. Of course our pans were not as good as these.(lol)

  • Sweet pan...thanks for sharing...

  • Agreed, Rum-Pan. This recording's tonal quality is 'full-bodied'; so ear-pleasing as opposed

    to the 'tinny' sounds from some steel orchestras.Kudos to the pan tuner(s) and arranger.


  • my first love (of any pan side) followed by Tony Williams Pan Am North Stars way back in the early 50's.  Invaders forever.  Big up Ellie "the Inventor". and "Creator."

  • Perhaps?One of the best Invaders Steel Orchestra CD! One of the best "Beethoven's Fifth"version! So,One of the best Steel-Pan Recording-Sound!? And much much more............ 

  • If they succeed in passing  SOPA and PIPA legislation, It would probably be illegal to post this, because of its content.

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