J'Ouvert 2013 Brooklyn

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Steelbands takeover Brooklyn for J'Ouvert 2013

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  • A real traditional J'Ouvert - powder, paint, mud, mas and pan. Everyone clearly made an effort to get into the spirit of the occasion. Let's hope those who play J'Ouvert in London take note as we're in danger of the event being cancelled because a handful of people choose to spoil it with wild behaviour and foodstuffs (go figure - in a time when so many people are on the bread line). Congratulations New York on a fabulous event!

  • thank God pan coming back again. its the people choice.glad-- good fun --no trouble. nice "BANDIT"

  • Thank you for this taste of J'Ouvert.


  • Exciting and peaceful J'Ouvert with PAN. Thanks for posting.

  • Nice

  •  Thanks for this great coverage. It is so nostalgic to see steelbands takeover once more, reminding me of the golden days of steelbands in T.& T. It seems that everyone was having a great time.Congratulations!

  • Thanks for sharing......wish this could happen in Trini.....only steelband music no electronic music......long for that day.....

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