Kitch's "The Wrecker" by Solo Harmonites. Arranged by Earl Rodney. Panorama champs 1968

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Earl Rodney's 1968 Panorama winning arrangement of Kitch's "The Wrecker", played by Solo Harmonites.The "stage side" version, it is not as powerful as the Panorama version, but the fine arrangement still comes through.

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  • excellence at Panorama...oh, how I remember....

  • Solo Harmonites need to play this again on the Road for this is too much of a Winning Arrangement to be put on the shelf . I am of the opinion that if this tune was used as a Test Piece in a Pan Competition today Solo Harmonites with this arrangement would again be the winners . Some performances are just untouchable and this happens to be one of those . So I am appealing to you Harmonites folks PLEASE do play this again come next Carnival and have it recorded so we could enjoy again this GEM being played by your " Road Side " .

  • Thank you Terry. I had the music but not the album cover.And I like that picture.

    It was also an early post, else it would have been more imaginative. 

  • Hello Glenroy,

    Here is a picture of the actual album - Solo Harmonites, The Wrecker:



  • Thanks GRJ. These GEMS are indeed Invaluable for we are here today in Pan because of Excellence of the Past Pannist , Tuners, Arrangers and Lovers of Pan who gave without expecting any Reward and whose Love and devotion produced these Magical Instruments with Superb Arrangements that were and continue to be Totally Enjoyable. Is there a Day Dedicated to Pan ? If not we should strive to have this Established World Wide so that its' History and Achievements could be known and it be established once and for all that it was Born and Bred here in Trinidad and Tobago and Migrated when it had matured , SOLO was always a DELIGHT. Thanks.
  • Happy New year brother Glenroy, I am looking at the picture with Bumper and McGill playing on de road and remembering the Daze of those days playing with Roadrunners #1.
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