Lord kitchener "SWEET PAN" (1984)

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As we all know , nobody ever sang for and about the steelband as well as the late Grand Master , Lord Kitchener , and his music was certainly appreciated by the steelbands.The great arranger Jit Samaroo, who seemed to have a special feel for Kitch's tunes , achieved much success with his arrangements of the Grand Masters work , and his arrangement of this tune brought his band , Renegades Steel Orchestra to winners row in 1984.Kitch's gift was his ability to see and understand the pulse of the steelband movement , and express it in calypso rhyme and rhythm better than just about anyone else.This tune , simply called "Sweet Pan" is one of his best and his panorama imagery expressed is unparalleled.From the 1984 album "Simply Wonderful' , here is Lord Kitchener and "Sweet Pan".

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