RENEGADES STEEL ORCHESTRA - Lord Kitchener's "Sweet Pan" Panorama winner 1984

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Jit Samaroo"s arrangement of Kitch's salute to panorama won the tight (my opinion, though not the judges') panorama race of 1984.Renegade's performance of "Sweet Pan" is an all time pan classic, and one of many winning performances by Renegades.It is a testament to the greatness of both band and arranger.Much respect to the Renegades organization, and to the Maestro, Dr Jit Samaroo.

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  • I have never been to a Panorama in my 60 years. Born a Trinidadian migrated to U S in 1970. Has been back once and that was in 1992. Never followed panorama while here, but I found interest in 2011 when TAS won with show time. Which I thought was the best thing that I've ever heard on Pan. It was when I downloaded Renegades Pan In A Rage I got to liking this incredible band. And so I thought that Pan In A Rage was the best. Little did I know that I was in for a rude awakening when I heard the rest of their panorama winning performances. I give credit to one Renegades Tenor players who I happen to meet accidentally. He's the one who ask if I ever heard "Sweet Pan". And when I did, I was literally blown away. As far as I'm concern, it remains the greatest in the history of panorama music. And will remain for years to come. Aptly named "SWEET PAN"!! Forever.
  • The closest race That I could remember was Panorama Finals 1985..that was the year Desperadoes tied with Renegades..playing the same Tune ''Pan night and day''. 3 points separated the first 5 placings. 282 was the winning marks...279 was 5th place marks.

  • Another unique pan performance that I savor.  A Dr. Jit with Renegades "Sweet Pan" blended concoction.

  • This final night performance by Jit/Renegades at panorama 1984 was the widest winning margin of all time and lasted for 21 years. Their 17.5 points margin was eclipsed by Boogsie/Phase II's 20 points in 2005. 

  • Yes! This is all-times Pan-Classic!

  • A true pan classic. I still can't believe the magnificent sound quality of the pans in 1984. Great

    arrangement by Jit...the BOSS!

  • my original favorite steel band !!
  • ...and I appreciate your postings very much indeed. You certainly have quite a collection! Do you by chance have (or anyone else out there) Dunlop Tornadoes "Pan in Danger" arr by Jit in 1985?

    "Can anyone honestly say there was that big a gap between Renegades, All Stars, Casablanca and Despers?" Yes. I can..
  • I don't care what BS numbers the judges came up with that Panorama night.

    One of the reasons that I post these videos is for the historical record. The top four placed performances that night are posted on this site for your enjoyment.

    Can anyone honestly say there was that big a gap between Renegades, All Stars, Casablanca and Despers?

    I know that what's on video may not necessarily be what the judges heard, but the performances still come through on video.

    Even the fifth placed band Phase II wasn't that far behind, even though it may not have generated that panorama excitement.

    But you can still hear the music, and it is today considered a pan classic.

    Even the passage of time can change one's perspective on a performance.

    That is why I have reservations about panorama judging on finals night.
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