Lord Kitchener's "My Pussin" by Desperadoes Steel Orchestra

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Sweet pan from an earlier time (1965), When Despers were still known as Coca Cola Gay Desperadoes.This was that year's Road March.Reminds us of how the sound has changed over the years.Still sounds good, though.Whatever you want to call them, Despers were always "sweet".

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  • God will bless you for life if you can find me a digital copy of this same tune (My Pussin') by Angostura Starlift.

  • Love this!!! Thanks for sharing!

  • You are gladdening my heart every time I hear your uploaded material. I have been following the Desperadoes since 1965 when I first encountered them on Frederick street. And, they have never sought to disappoint. Keep up the good work. Lovely arrangement by Beverly Griffith.
  • awrsome
  • Thanks as usual for your contributions,Ian. I know you're a Despers man from way back.

    I also like to note that both the 1965 album "Carnival in Trinidad" and the 1966 album "Tripple Crown Winners" featured arrangements by Beverly Griffith and pans tuned by the famous Emmanuel "Cobo Jack" Riley.

    These are two greats who we sometimes forget.

    I should also mention that a featured tenor pannist for Despers at that time was our friend Robbie Greenidge, among others.
  • Hello Glenroy,
    Good job as always. I was a mere 15-year old and was present when Desperadoes recorded that LP.
    I have all 8 of Desperadoes LP's. This was their first LP 1965, Double1966, Fiesta 1967, Classical 1969, Calypso Rock was recorded in NYC in January of 1971, Honey 1976, Crawford 1977 and Silver 1981.
  • My Email is Panvalboy@yahoo.com
  • Glenroy, Can you share your Email address with me I want to ask you something incamera. Thanks.
  • I'd like to take the opportunity to publicly thank my friend Terry from Silver Springs, MD who is also a member of this forum.
    it is because of his generosity that many of these musical classics can be shared with pan jumbies everywhere
    Thank you, Terry.
  • All the credit must go to Mr. Glenroy Joseph for his great posts.

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