Mighty Sparrow - Madame Dracula

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In the 1950's and 1960's , the verbal "picong" battles between The Mighty Sparrow and the Lord Melody were as intense as some of the hip hop battles of decades later, in spite of, or maybe because of the fact that Sparrow and Melody were best of friends.Sparrow delivered a blistering uppercut with this hit from 1961, when he named Lord Melody's wife, "Madame Dracula".As much as I love the late Lord melody, calypso hits like this one gave the Mighty Sparrow the decision.It was a verbal TKO!

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  • This was not an easy Battle to declare a Winner for if you go thru the entire series of "Picong" Calypsos your choice would vary with each tune. No doubt these were the Highlights of that era and they remain GEMS for us the lovers of Calypsos. Thanks.

  • Glenroy, This is indeed a "gem" by Sparrow, Melody retaliated by singing "Belmont Jackass" These two guys were just hilarious back in those days. Remember Sparrow's "Fowl Tief Melo" and "Simpson De Funeral Agency Man" and of course The picong in the Tent between these two bards. I agree with you that Sparrow had the edge on Melo.  Those were the good ole days of real calypso man.

  • but wait, melo's response was equally brilliant - Belmont Jackass! 

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