Music from Oil Drums (1956) - Pete Seeger

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The film presents Pete Seeger (who wrote a manual for playing steel drums) visiting steel drums makers and players in Trinidad

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  • thanks to the presenter of this film this is ,thanks to Pete seeger who just pass , about a year i was watching TV there was this program How They Made IT they had some body from another race demonstrating how steel pan made i wondered were is the historian's of steel pan .I think pete report should be on how they made it, and not the color coded one they show.

  • Some years ago, as I researched some protest/message songs that influenced my generation in the 1960s/1970s (Where have all the flowers gone/If I had a hammer), I stumbled on Pete Seeger who wrote these two. I soon learnt that Seeger was more than a writer/singer. He was an activist, a fighter for the downtrodden, a genius who used his music to promote causes.

    Then I stumbled on his fascination with our pan music, his visit to TT, and his subsequent efforts to promote pan in the USA at a time when pan music was little known. I knew about the short film he made, but never saw it until now (thanks WST). I learned all I could about this remarkable man and iconic artiste. I watched the video where a phalanx of stars celebrated his 90th birthday. I read where he camped out with the Occupy Wall St movement at age 92.

    What more can one say to such a giant as he passes on? Thanks, Pete, for the music, the lyrics, for loving our pan, for marching with King, thanks for everything.

  • This documentary is very accurate. It shows not only the early development of Pan, but where Highlanders Steel Orchestra originated.The winding road where the cars are passing is Laventille Road. No, not back road Laventille,where many people believe Highlanders originated.The yard where the band is practicing is 109 Laventille Road, it's at the top of Jackson Hill. I was born around that area,the scenery is so real to me it surly brings back memories of my early childhood days.

                                                        Hamilton THE WEB Alexander.


  • Long before Stalin sang The secret of making pan, Pete Seeger, with panist Kim Loy Wong,  put together media (LP record, print and video/movie) on the then new instrument. The collection is in the Smithsonian. The LP can be purchased at, . MAy he rest in peace - at the very least he captured some long forgotten images of ourselves.

  • US audience exposure to music of the Steel drum was one of his many contributions. RIP

  • Rest In Peace my brother...Pete Seeger, the iconic banjo-strumming folk singer and activist who performed for migrant workers and presidents, died on Monday. He was 94.

  • yes a brutally honest documentary.....a nice insight into the pân-making process(of that era) ,some highlights on P.O S in that era, and the transfer of skills to another part of the world.... VERY INTERESTING!

  • ???PAN'TUM:   In 1956, the steel band (steel drum or ping-pong drum) was NOT OWNED by any company or government (state) entity, that would prohibit its (PAN) employees from disclosing proprietory (confidential, trade, intelectual) information re formula, processes and methods used in PAN production. Also, there was no PATENT.

    Lloyd Matheson CBE of Trinidad, an early 1950s Education Officer in St. Kitts, introduced PAN to that island.

    Is he guilty of disclosing proprietory information?

    Hells Gate Steel Band of Antigua was formed in 1945 (still beating!!) by Antiguans who formerly worked in Trinidad oil field and observed the PAN making process. Would they be guilty (by extension) of illegally obtaining PAN proprietory information?

    The REAL reason why US Navy Steeband was chosen to perform at the White House in 1957, instead of one

    from T&T....come on! 1957?? in US? you KNOW why!






  • Thanks you again WST ! !

    This is a true treasure.

  • @sidd:
    there are no races on earth!
    it is a complete nonses to talk about races!
    we are all human beeings witH ONE blood color!
    skin colors or different lookalikes don't mean different races!
    the "invention" of the word race comes from very stupid people who wanted to devite the people so they don't unite for the revolution against the opressors!
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