Presenting a pioneering steelband, the legendary Hell's Gate Steel band from Antigua.

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The legendary Hell's Gate Steel Band from Antigua was formed in 1947, and can be listed among the oldest steelbands in the world.From their album from the mid nineteen sixties, "This is Antigua", their hit tune "Cantata" dates back to the nineteen fifties, and was one of the earliest pan recordings.Their performance of the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel's "Massiah"won the 1964 Antigua Steel band competition, and an all expenses paid trip to the New York World's Fair.Also included is their version of "The Sound of Music"Congratulations are in order for their successes through the years, and we salute Antigua's Hell's Gate Steelband as true Pan Pioneers.

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  • sweet memories, pan has come along way
    thanks for sraring.
  • Sat-Nam{I salute the Truth in you}.Heavenly Vibes from "Hell's Gate".Thanks a lot for sharing this Glenroy. All Power to Antigua & ALL those who contribute{d} to the 'Pan-Movement'! Ase! Ase! Ase!!!
  • This bring's back a lot of memories thanks a lot.
  • Very Fine Service with"update" Mr.Glen!!!Great thanks to you..........
  • very nice glen, you bring back memories
  • It is hard to be rustic and yet full of life at the same time. What was done 65 yrs ago is one such example. Congrats for the milestone and producing something that still has real life today.
  • Congrats to the Hells Gate Steel Orchestra on such a historical feat! Hope another 65 years & more will be added!
  • nicee nice. i just want to congratulate Hell'sgate on its' 65th anniversary! coming from Hell'sgate's newest arranger Khan Cordice. Keep Pan Alive!
  • Very nice ! Thanks for sharing this.
  • Nice hearing these old tunes, brings backs memoriies of the old Brute Force, Hell Gates rivalry. Bum Jardine and the gang.
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