Starlift - 2011 SVG Senior Panorama Finals - 2nd place

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Starlift Steel Orchestra placed 2nd in the Senior Panorama finals on Sunday, July 3rd, in the Dimanche Gras show at Victoria Park, playing "Iron Man Come Down".

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  • i am not hating, simply saying that starlift is not the only band that matters, pan in vincy is on the rise and no longer can anyone state that one band and only one band matters here, all the bands have reach a level to compete with any band in the world
  • Don't be a hater Jason.
  • to say that this is the only band that matters in svg is a big misleading statement, so you mean to say that no other band in svg is worth anything?
  • Thanks !  very nice to hear pan from SVG !

  • this is the band to beat. (always) They have a unique tonal quality (thanks to Butch Kellman)and style. Like Halcyon in Antigua we from the worst part of town but we have the best music and style This is the only band that really matters in St Vincent. (no fiction here)  paddy corea 
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