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Here some selections from the historic TASPO steel band that attended the Festival of Britain in 1951.These are the eleven members chosen to attend the festival (Courtesy Pan- .Theo Stephens from Free French – San FernandoBelgrave Bonaparte from Southern Symphony – La BreaAndrew De Labistide from Chicago – East Dry River (Port of Spain)Philmore Davidson from Syncopators (later became City Syncopators)– Quarry Street (Port of Spain)Patsy Orman Haynes from Casablanca – East Dry River (Port of Spain)Winston “Spree” Simon from Tokyo – East Dry River (Port of Spain)Dudley Smith from Rising Sun in BelmontEllie Mannette From Invaders in WoodbrookSterling Betancourt from CrossfireGranville Sealey from TripoliAnthony Williams from North Starsthe latter three bands from St. James.According to Pan Jumbie, Granville Sealy did not make the trip.Sonny Roach from Sun Valley was on the team but got ill in Martinique and returned home.The players on this album, which also included a saxophone and vocalist are not identified in the liner notes.However, according to Pan Historian Kim Johnson, the saxophonist and vocalist was Lieut Joseph Nathaniel Griffiths, musical director of the band.The 45 rpm album was produced in England by Collector Records.Thank you, Terry for sharing this historic recording with us, and thank you Pan Jumbie for the wealth of steelband related information on your web site.

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  • We could clear up some of the controversy. Ellie Mannette, Tony Williams, Boots Davidson, Sterling Betancourt are all STILL ALIVE. They could shed some light on who did what. The vocalist has a bajan accent could be Griffith. My suspicion who the soloist or soloists might be ??  Dudley Smith  or Theo Stevens entirely because of the playing style... PADDY COREA

  • Much thanks.

  • Ambassadors of we culture!!!  Historic...

  • I'm guessing, but the pan soloist could be Theo Stephens. I've heard him on some of the Cook recordings - incredible player! He rarely gets mentioned among the pioneers.

  • The legendary Trinidad All Steel Percussion Orchestra. ( T.A.S.P.O.). They definitely made musical history in Britain in 1951 !

  • Michael, see Glenroy's March 23,2012 8:59 comment below. OK?

  • GRJ, I,ll like to know who,s the Person doing the solos

  • another bit of (pan related) history. Kitch recorded most of his work in England for Melodisc (I think) The producer was Ziggy Jackson (later I worked with  and recorded for Ziggy via Blue Rivers and the Maroons he was also our manager)  The Trumpet/Flugelhorn player of many if not most of Kitch's stuff was Ellsworth " Shake Keane",  a legendary Vinci  (jazz) horn man. (see Kurt Edelhagen orchestra (Germany)   The Kitchener recordings eventually went to Polydor Records after Ziggy's death.Thanks  paddy corea

  • THANKS !

  • Paddy, It is a most interesting bit of pan history that the steel band was started in St Vincent because a steelband from Trinidad sold their pans to buy passage home.

    I wonder if something like this happened anywhere else?

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