Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture by Trinidad All Stars.

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The 1812 Overture was written in 1880 by Tchaikovsky to commemorate the Russian defense of Moscow against Napoleon's army in 1812.It has since become a traditional part of the American Independence Day celebrations.Just in time for the Fourth of July celebrations, here is Trinidad All Stars performing Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture, from their 1976 Album "Classical Jewels" .This 1974 performance by Trinidad All Stars was the first public performance of the 1812 Overture by a Steelband in Trinidad.Performed under the baton of their famed Musical Director and conductor, Jerry Jemmott.

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  • Always been one of my favorite pan numbers overall!  Nice post bro!

  • Classical music performed by Steel orchestras made me also appreciate listening and wanting to play classical music on pan. i can't get enough. Thanks for being able to pass on your recordings to the now generation.

  • Oh! what a thrill to hear this once more! an extremely great performance, much like Casablanca in the 1980s, Pan is Beautiful II-was it?

    Thanks for circulating in 2013!

  • For me, this is one of the best performances of classical music by steel band.

    I just wish there was a live video of this 36 year old All Stars Classical gem.

    Happy Fourth to all.

  • Thank you Mr. Joseph.  I appreciate and applaud you for highlighting this piece. Please continue to share your treasures with us.  Much Respect. 

  • Through those 10 Classical Jewels concerts, All Stars have performed more classical music than any other steelband on the planet. Give we more, Glenroy, give we more!!!


  • AMAZING!!!


  • Thank you Glenroy, I thoroughly enjoyed that piece.  I appreciate you putting it up..
  • Like you Glenroy I savored the classics from hearing them on pan and from orchestras like Dutchys and Clarance Curvan who converted many classical tunes into calypso. Also in my pan playing days I always found playing the classics challenging. 
  • Believe it or not, Terry, it was the steelband that taught me to appreciate the classics.

    You may be right about cultural bias. Many of these classics came alive to me only after hearing them on pan.
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