The Dutchy Brothers "No Other Love"

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Many years ago , I remember leaving a fete in Royal Hotel, San Fernando one night , to get some air , and recover.The featured band that night was Pete de Vlugt and the Dutchy brothers, a top dance band of that era in the early sixties.Suddenly , my head cleared from my youthful drunken stupor, as I heard this hit from the Dutchy brothers blasting out from inside the dancehall.The band never sounded sweeter !From Best of The Dutchy Brothers - Vol 2.The distinctive sound of the Dutchy Brothers is featured in this Dutchys hit from the nineteen sixties.The lyrics of this song were written by Bob Russell and the music, though credited to Paul Weston, is actually derived from Frédéric Chopin's Étude No. 3 in E, Op. 10.This song was a 1950 hit by Jo Stafford, Paul Weston's wife.

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  • Great memories and times at Royal
  • The floor full with lovely ladies elegantly dressed and moving in harmony with their dancing partners , all mesmerized by the lovely music .

  • Real old people....  Only joking.  Great music!!!

  • OH Yes. I remember those days.

  • Those were the dancing and romantic days!

  • Oh Yes. I remember this one, and great memories to match. The music in those days by all these bands,  brought so much joy to my heart, and feet.

  • Welcome to When Steel Talks , Orville de Vlugt !

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