The Legendary 'Scratcherman'

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Courtney Leiba visits Los Angeles from Australia and reminisces with the Spiceman, about the good ol' days with the Trinidad Tripoli Steel Band, here's an un...

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  • Thanks Spiceman & Courtney. Always a delight to see and hear from those who contributed to,

    and continue to explore, the wonders of PAN.

  • My first trip out of T&T was to Montreal Expo '67, where I visited to see the pavilions and also to see and hear Tripoli perform. You ended up playing the scratcher in the lake, not missing a beat. What were the circumstances under which that 'fortunate' incident happened? Some say you were pushed. some say you tripped and others say it was a deliberate act. What say you, Courtney?

  • Wow...that was fantastic...I had no idea they played on so many national shows...I really don't see that happening today. Thank you Mr. Courtney Leiba....may God continue to bless you and use you.


  • Courtney, you still have that good touch ...keep doing it bro wishes

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