THE LORD KITCHENER "Pan Night and Day"

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This 1985 classic by the Grand Master says it all.Arranged by Leston Paul, here is Lord Kitchener's "Pan Night and Day"This was the tune of choice for Desperadoes and Renegades at Panorama 1985.They tied for first place.

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  • I remember going to Dem Boys pan yard in Lockhart lane in Belmont when I was 17 years old to listen and copy their arrangements. ( I then became a member of Dixieland steelband , 1954,55,56 arranger Curtis Pierre.  Charles Assevero  , Plano, Texas

  • A true classic. It took a classic like this to tie two of the best bands in the world - despers and renegades!
  • Great, Great music piece!! Of course, NOTHING can compare with 'Pan in Harmony'. The evergreen 1976 piece. Possibly the best music EVER written for the pan.
  • WAW !!!  Pan in A Minor a close 2nd ?  Maybe dead-heat ?
  • This would be a classic for a long time . Congrats to the grandmaster.
  • Who is playing the tenor?
  • I agree, the music of the century.
  • Absolutely merriness wholeness & vibes.........
  • Thank you
    I've only ever heard instrumental versions.
    This is a great classic
  • Lyrically and musically a Classic.

    Much appreciated, Glen.


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