Trinidad All Stars - Carnival Tuesday 2014

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Carnival Tuesday - Trinidad All Stars - 2014

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  • Congratulations to Trinidad All Stars on winning "Band of the Year" title. They are certainly a class organization. They have proven that you can still play mas in a decent and civil manner, displaying decorum, and able to have fun and enjoyment to the fullest, in doing so.

    They did not follow the current trend of Carnival costume, that of glorified bikinis, beads and feathers, so prevalent and pervasive in today's mas bands. Nor were there, as far as I can see, any shameful and disgusting acts involving lewd and lascivious simulated sexual behavior, that seems to be the norm nowadays.

    Furthermore, Steelband music is synonymous with, and an integral part of, Carnival celebrations. The Trinidad All Stars Steel Orchestra's presence on the road providing music for the masqueraders, is what Carnival is all about - Pan and Mas. 

    Hope this will generate a resurgence of more steel bands on the road at Carnival time. Let's keep alive the true spirit and essence of Trini Carnival with pan music and mas that's clean, interesting, fun and enjoyable!

  • This phenomenon may represent the start of a change back to basics, at least for a segment of our population, as well as the organising skills of the TASSO leadership. Remember there is something happening with the Woodbrook steelbands as well. I hope the Movement is watching and learning.

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