T&T Steelband Panorama 1993

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Performances from Panorama1993, Finals and Semifinals. Birthday Party was one of Boogsie's best, and could have been a winner; but "Phase II "was beaten by Jit's "Mystery Band" by Renegades.

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  • Yeah...I recall Trinidad All Stars' performance of "Dus in dey face". SUPERB!!! Unbelievably, they received a standing ovation and a "WE WANT MORE" call. It will be nice for All Stars to rejuvenate that tune (if they can remember how to play it).
  • Todate All Stars arrangement of Dust is the only piece that earned a STANDING O and had the crowd calling for more this was not Smooth but Eddie Quarless challenging sume of the BEST players with endless notes and runs amazing performance !!
  • Listening to Kitch's "Mystery Band", I recognize once again what a genius the late Grand Master was.
    He gave the pan arranger so much to work with, and apart from his musical input in the steelband repertoire, he also chronicled the steelband progress from the bad old days of steelband violence to today.
    incidentally, I once heard an interview in which he spoke of a feller named Jit who he said he didn't know at the time.
    Apparently he was impressed by what Jit Samaroo was doing with his music, and he in turn was influenced by Jit's music.
    I've often thought that Jit and Kitch had a special musical relationship, and it's no wonder that Jit stepped away from the Panorama fray.(Hopefully temporarily).
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