What can we expect from the UPPM after carnival?
Read more…What can we expect from the UPPM after carnival?
Read more…Take a little bit of time and go through all the newspaper articles (well, as many as you can) that began to surface on WHENSTEELTALKS (and among local news outlets) since this PAN REVOLUTION began. (And I do use the word "REVOLUTION" very loosely.)
Read more…Panorama could still be held,suspend present executives,with government,cdc ,pan players getting together.players were not paid for last year prize monies(was made to understand).which mean't the shows went on with limited funds.let committee from ba
Read more…PanTrinbago's executive met to discuss Panorama 2017 and other issues.
Among those present were Pan Trinbago secretary Richard Forteau and PRO Michael Joseph. They were joined by former vice-president Byron Serrette, All Stars ace pannist Dane Gulston
Word on the ground is that participants from the 2016 Junior Panorama are owed thousands of $$$.
And they are mad as hell... Oh boy....
Read more…Mr Diaz knows that it's up to who ever want to remove him they will have to do so. He will not be giving up his post just because people say he has too.
How does the United Pan Players Movement plan to remove him? I did not hear of a plan, however
Read more…By Martin Daly
TRINIDAD and Tobago is plunging downward right back where we fell in the mid eighties having gorged ourselves on the proceeds of the preceding oil boom.
A second round of energy sector riches have once again, in the famous Michael Manl
Read more…Just like in POLITICS where you have a pool of PROFESSIONAL POLITICIANS who play musical chairs with controlling the Government, WE could expect the same thing to happen in PAN TRINBAGO once this current executive is completely replaced. All the ben
Read more…Ah doh know how big the bribes was, but ah hear Dane and Gregory get some real BIG BRIBES and promises to get replacement appointments on the PAN TRINBAGO EXECUTIVE.
That is what ah hear! Ah doh know if is true or not!!!
Read more…I wonder how many PAN MEN in Trinidad actually read the forum and are influenced in any way by it. I see the forum as mostly an EXPAT-BASED newsstand with a Technology-lit LAMP POST under which people gather to LIME and connect to old cultural emoti
Read more…The music in this song is really GOOD!!! Imagine a GOOD VOCALIST and some meaningful POP/DANCE lyrics on top of these musicians (production group) -- and we gone to the NIGHT CLUBS and GRAMMYS.
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How can the NCC declare there will be a Panorama when the players have not yet made that declaration? Is there a back room deal going on with PT without the players knowledge?
One thing we do know for sure is that the NCC needs the 2017 Panorama to g
Read more…United Pan Players Movement don't be fooled, you are doing a great job. Because of you all types of corruption is being exposed.
And we are getting to see who is who.
Because UPPM ---
The Pan Players got their little monies. The checks stopped bounci
Read more…After all the threats of a BOYCOTT, PANORAMA 2017 is warming up its engines and taking flight. No more PROTESTS or ANGER with PAN TRINBAGO.
DIAZ and FORTEAU are working hand in hand with the NCC to make this the GREATEST PANORAMA in the history of th
Read more…Ah doh know what kinda ah OBEAH Diaz and Forteau working but dey have Dane and Gregory and all dem PAN MEN tie like ah cow in Morvant. Sun and rain wetting PAN MEN and dey cyar get away POOR FELLAHS.
Read more…Ah tell Bertel and dem to hire a marketing representative. I even profile the candidate right down to sex, race, age and social status. And nobody in XL4PAN listen to me. Now all kinda man forming all kinda group and getting UNLIMITED MEDIA and we fo
Read more…I remember the first time that I compared the political skills of Keith Diaz to Barack Obama on this forum some people found my comparison absurd and got mad at me. But, today, I could go further and say that Keith Diaz is proving to be a better poli
Read more…Out of 16 large bands 8 has chosen their tune and 4 chose Good Morning. Despers, Renegades,XO and Skiffle will be giving us their version of it
I always feel it is better to play a tune that no one is playing, you get a better mark from the judges, t
Read more…Call the Police.
All Pan Trinbago executives, "Hands Up", "Nobody Move",
This is now a crime scene.
Pan Trinbago Execs are a international embarrassment.
Surrender peacefully and head directly to jail.
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