New York, USA - The Board of Directors of the West Indian American Day Carnival Association (WIADCA) extend sincere gratitude to ALL our “partners” and those who assisted in making New York’s 2010 Labor Day Carnival Festival a resounding success.
....WIADCA extends congrats to Pan Sonatas for their superb performance that tightened their grip and secured another first-place prize of $20,000 cash, and Ramajay Mas’ Portrayal: “La Femme: the new Band of the Year winner.
Additionally, WIADCA thanks all the men, women and youth in the Steelpan fraternity for making 2010 Panorama “one to remember.”
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one paid $8.00 to watch the Pan-A-Rama on my computer which was streamed around the world.
Some of that money needs to go all of the Steel Bands that participated in the event, including the Jouvert Steel Bands (my opinion). Keith, when and were will the meeting be?
Aka; Tahzann / Curly.
I've made the same request for the time, date, place of the meeting.
Mr.Marcelle as head of the USSA its your duty to make life much easier for the steelbands around Panorama time.