St. Lucia, W.I. -With a complement of 73 players Laborie Steel Orchestra dethroned the perennial champs and favorites, heavyweight Pantime Steel Orchestra when the former were judged the 2016 St. Lucia National Panorama champions. Laborie perf
Inquiring minds would like to know if it is true that pan players have yet to receive pay for their participation in Trinidad and Tobago's Panorama 2016?
I used the term "Caribbean pitfalls" in recording PAN MUSIC on this forum recently and I was challenged to define the term. Almost in a way as if I did not have support for my statement. Many times I have said on this forum that I am here mainly to a
Looks like now is the time for a new assessment and review...
The Music Industry in Trinidad and Tobago By: Ralph Henry Kairi Consultants Limited 14 Cochrane Street, Tunapuna, Trinidad, WI Email: Website: Alvin Daniel
Although Claude is suffering from the concussion Lebron and company gave him in game 6, he does raise an interesting point. Why do we spend so much time in the past when talking about Pan music and experiences? This is not something that is locked in
I well understand FIXATIONS!!! But, LORD, this is WAY TOO MUCH. The WINDSHIELD in your car is about 80% larger than your REAR VIEW MIRROR and you spend less than FIVE PERCENT of your time looking into the REAR VIEW MIRROR when you are driving. Why? B
On 91.9 FM steelband show last night a caller called in and said PANS long ago used to sound better and the best basses were DESPERS. The host asked who am I speaking to and the caller said BOOGSIE man, BOOGSIE SHARPE. and the host said BOOGSIE man.
Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - Pan Trinbago President Keith Diaz has renewed calls for a local masters degree programme in steelpan as people are learning Trinidad and Tobago’s national instrument in other countries.
I am really pleased to announce the launch of my new CD! Named after Lord Kitchener’s calypso celebration of the flame-haired ladies, the album demonstrates the ample capabilities of the pan for versatility, and for musical and emotional expression.
When Steel Talks extends congratulations to NY Pan Stars - Winners of the 2016 Virginia International PANFest's Community Ensemble Category and Grand Champion of the entire PANFest .
As if the amount of heat used in tuning a pan is insufficient Dr Keith Rowley, our Prime Minister, seems intent on adding more fire to the pan thing. Or are his pronouncements on Panorama at the Laventille 123 celebration a veiled threat to Pan Trinb
More than an after-school program, the Austin Community Steelband has created an expressive place to uplift local youth through learning steelpan music. Originating in Trinidad, steelbands served as a way for poor and oppressed people to come tog
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On March 15, 2016, I returned to Japan without any idea of what to expect. Were my friends going to lose trust in me as a Trinidadian? Would they ever return to Trinidad? Perhaps they will never play steelpan again and discourage others from doing so
Hello everyone, What do you think is the most significant piece of pan music we have recorded? Music I should be able to source on a record.... I am looking for our equivalent of Beethoven's Ode to Joy. Something timeless, iconic, makes you stop and li