Trinidad All Stars Steel Orchestra wins the inaugural International Panorama. They also win the first place prize of USD $250,000 and the “World Steel Pan Trophy” designed by Kemal Manickchand.
Grenada’s annual National Panorama competition showcases Angel Harps, New Dimension, Pan Lovers, Florida All Stars, Grand Roy Pan Angels, Rainbow City All Stars, Commancheros and Pan Ossia steel orchestras. Time: 8:00 p.m. Venue: National Stadium St.
From August 5 to 7, Pan Trinbago and the ICP Secretariat present the first major International Conference on Pan. It will be held at the Hyatt Regency in downtown Port of Spain. The Conference is open to the public with a nominal registration fee and
We now have an integrated list of “PASSED STEELBANDS” which we can officially hand over to the NEW VISIONARIES for honing and further research and development. This is just a starting point and there is still considerable work left to be done. The WS
Gros Islet, St. Lucia, W.I. - Defending Panorama champs PanTime Steel Orchestra appeared in the penultimate spot in this year’s competition, and tasted the bitter-sweet success of a three-peat as 2015 Pan
Pan Alive may well be alive this year but it could be wounded due to a dispute between the leaders of the two largest steel bands and Ontario Steelpan Association (OSA) over funding.
The annual presentation by OSA slated for July 31 at Lamport Stadiu
There is an article in today's New York Times discussing the difficulty bands in Brooklyn are having in finding a pan yard. This is a VERY big problem facing the community. Thanks to the NYT for highlighting it.
Over 300 STEELBANDS on the LIST and we still have more updating to do!!!
We are going to have some MAJOR UPDATES coming up this week. I am going to put "TBD" in the "location" field for bands which currently lack a specific location. I have also add
I think Ray Holman holds the title for Arranging the most Panorama tunes for different Large Steel Orchestras. He arranged Panorama Tunes for Starliff, Invaders, Phase 2, Tokyo when they were in the large Category, Exodus, Pandemonium, Hummingbirds
A young panorama musician contacted WST for information on when T&T Panorama 2015 checks will be available. Can someone in the know post that information asap?