Global - In an exclusive interview with When Steel Talks, veteran North Stars Steel Orchestra player David Maunday shares an insider’s view of what and who made Trinidad & Tobago’s Pan Am North Stars Steel Orchestra so legendary, and a business basti
The phrase "losing the plot" seems a bit strong in the context of these issues, but I am open to a more colloquial improvement after you have read this post.
In the U.K, there was a huge appetite for steel bands, and I mean really huge, but nowadays
Lately I've been thinking that one of the reasons that our beloved art form does not receive the popular recognition among the general public that it deserves, is because of the lack of an identifiable music genre associated with the instrument.
The New Visionaries was formed to oppose the executive of Pan Trinbago for leadership of the organzation.They were made to go through legal battles which depleted their funds and tied them up in the courts for years thus allowing PT to rule beyond th
St. Lucia - Somewhere in the 1940’s a young man named Lennard “Scrubb” Wellington, started on his way to become St. Lucia’s steelband maestro. He had experimented with music from the age of seven and his real interest in pan started after World W
The large bikini Mas bands have abandoned the Savanah for the Socadrome. The greatest steel orchestras in the world are playing to an empty Grand Stands at 3:00 am in the morning. And the streets of Port of Spain as Mr. Rubadiri Victor showed are emp
Trinidad & Tobago National Steelband Panorama 2015
In the age of Twitter, Facebook and Instagram the self-made Pan experts and gurus are popping up everywhere all over the world -- type 140 characters, hit enter and scream ‘Look at me...’ Luckily in
When Steel Talks extends Congratulations to Trinidad All Stars
Trinidad All Stars Steel Orchestra has won the Large Band of the Year title for 2015. This was confirmed by the National Carnival Bands Association (NCBA) on Thursday afternoon. All Stars
My Beloved Pan Family. Do You all have any Suggestions that will Help Save or even Make Panorama Better? From Judging - Length of Panorama, Live Streaming and over all Presentation. ''We cant keep going on like. We Need Changes Now.
It is my opinion the 2015 broadcast quality of the panorama was the worst we have had in years. Who is responsible? And what happened to CarnivalTV? Why did Pan Trinbago give the contract to the government/CNMG?
It is just about that time again when pan people choose who they like for the up coming panorama. With 4 more weeks to go who do you like this year? Pick 5 bands in any or each category, you can make changes anytime you like.