Living in old folks memory lane can't be a good thing for the future of pan in Trinidad and Tobago. If the main objective is to increase young people involvement in Panorama as both players and fans, this surely not the way to go. Maybe it's time for
Recently , I was surprised to be notified by YouTube that there was a copyright strike on my account , threatening the viability of my account. This was especially so , since all of my postings are related to our culture.
Congratulations go to Terry Noel, who has been awarded an MBE in the Queen's New Year Honours 2015 in recognition of his service to Music. He formed the Melodians Steel Orchestra UK in October 1987 as a 'Not for Profit' organisation and has been the
Global - Many came to celebrate and pay homage to the vibrant life and achievements of Grammy-winner and steelband enthusiast Ralph MacDonald, at the historic Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem, USA. The steelpan music fraternity was well represente
London, UK-On a chilly winter evening, the British Association of Steelbands (BAS) hosted their 16th annual awards at the Holiday Inn, in Bloomsbury, London on Saturday 6th December 2014. The warm Caribbean culture that this event generates ce
Given the historical and recent friction between NYPD and the steelbands of Brooklyn for simply gathering for band practice and playing music over the years, the latest outcome from the Eric Garner case is very, very troubling. Moreover, one cannot
It is now five years later since the original opinion essay below was written by Mr. Nestor Sullivan. WST member Marcus Ash ask -- What are your thoughts and feeling on the subject today?
New York, New York -This is a magnificent music story that is so much more. It is a story about the human condition that allows one to grow, overcome, provide opportunity and affect change on a community.
The New Visionaries Pan Foundation express and extend our heartiest congratulations to Mia Gormandy, Belmont Girl, SJC POS alumnus, Trinidad All Stars member,[currently enrolled at Florida State University]on the receipt of the award of the Howard Ma
New York, USA - He was smitten by the steelpan instrument at the very early age of eight when he first encountered this Caribbean beauty called Pan in The Bahamas. And similar to countless others, whose hearts have been pierced by the intoxicating so
Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - Neville Jules turned 82 (91 in 2018) last week. At the Duke Street panyard, even the young players call him Cap. They see him around Hell Yard, a shrine to pan, but can’t fully fathom his weight. Founder of Trinidad All Star
Are we supposed to sit be quiet and play like we don't remember that an election was supposed to be held around this time some 3-4yrs ago for the World Governing Body of Pan in the Mecca?
I find it ridiculous that pan people have to wait so long to h
Brooklyn, New York - In an unprecedented address to members of the New York steelpan community, Mr. William R. Howard (more familiarly known as Mr. Bill Howard), president of WIADCA (West Indian American Day Carnival Association) - expressed regret