Pan Trinbago seeks to correct bits of misinformation being perpetuated by the public and certain sectors, most of them uninformed and unfair.
The facts are as follows:
Pan Trinbago has in its possession a document entitled “Strategic Plan for Sustainable Development of Pan which details the plans and activities of Pan Trinbago whilst treating with Pan Trinbago’s operations and functions. “The plan” was developed after consultation with stakeholders in the steelband movement – a wide cross section of interests attended seminars and brainstorming sessions at The Normandie, the NGC Training Room and at meetings of Pan Trinbago’s Steelband Foundation headed by Kirk Ifill.
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The following is a line taken from the article Pan Trinbago Responds to its Detractors - "to assist the organization to fall in line with acceptable standards."
Therein lies Pan Trinbago's challenge.The language that one uses is like an opening to one's way of thinking and mirrors - in this instant - the impending status of the assistance required by Pan Trinbago. Rather than have assistance "to fall in line" - which suggest a downward movement (you can only fall down) - "with acceptable standards," Pan Trinbago should express its plight as" seeking assistance in raising the bar in its quest for managerial and procedural expertise."
Pan deserves no less than this. It is too important an instrument / institution to be spoken / written about as having the need to "fall in line" with anything but excellent standards.
The image above is but a reflection of "falling in line" thinking. It represents pan's tombstone and unless this acceptance of foreign intrusion into our cultural affairs without safeguards is curtailed, then PanTrinbago and our Ministry of Culture is doomed not to raise bars but to continue to "fall in line with acceptable standards."
A response was made by Pantrinbago by a Mr. Melvin Bryan, who was identified only as 'A Pantrinbago consultant' this interview from Gayelle's morning show, Cock-A-Doodle-Doo will be uploaded soon!
My son Kenrick came to Trinidad for the first time and he commented that Panorama was boring hearing different playing the same tune. He suggested that Pan Trinbago called the bandleaders and arrangers to draw the current year Calypso tunes in a hat to play for the competition and for the final, pull out another set of tunes for the final. He think this will make panorama more interesting. Courtney Leiba, Calypso Pan-tas-tic Australia
GospelPan > Courtney LeibaSeptember 18, 2009 at 7:56pm
The other problem with that is how do you decide what songs go into the hat? Also, I can foresee a situation where a song is pulled from the hat that neither that players or the arranger want to arrange or can that be good for Panorama? If you want the best music and the best performance from a Panorama band, the arranger "and" the players must enjoy the music...I also agree with momo's points.
I mean, can you imagine Boogsie, Ray and Pelham composing their own tunes for Panorama and they are forced to arrange an inferior calypso or Boogsie ends up with Ray's tune, Ray ends up with Pelham's tune, etc.
that would not work ???? what about the bands like phase II who play's their own tunes
bands are sopose to play what ever tune they want this year last year ???? i what ever .f all the
bands want to play mary have a little lamb that's what they want to play
bye the way dont mean to ply in your buisness how old is your son
then again every one is entitle to their own opinion
It takes approximately 2 weeks for a top notch steelband to put together a Panorama tune. To ask bands to play another tune for the semi-finals or finals would not be feasible as they would not have the amount of time to do it. If they have two tunes prepared they could pull it off, but the suggestion is that they pull from a hat. You do not know what tune you will get, and the arranger might not like the tune. Maybe that could work for a competition like Pan Ramajay. It is probable that musicans who can read music might be able to do it, but for the vast majority of players, it would be impossible. They would literally have to live in the panyards 24/7 in order to produce the next tune.
Courtney Leiba My comment is that as my son told me as he had visited Trinidad for the fist time that Panorama is boring. He said that he think to improve Panorama is that Pan Trinbago should called all band Leader/ Arrangers to pull out from a hat what they play in the prelimanaries and then on the final competition. Courtney Leiba Calypso Pan-tas-tic Australia

Dear Ms Fox,The following is a line taken from the article Pan Trinbago Responds to its Detractors - "to assist the organization to fall in line with acceptable standards."
Therein lies Pan Trinbago's challenge.The language that one uses is like an opening to one's way of thinking and mirrors - in this instant - the impending status of the assistance required by Pan Trinbago. Rather than have assistance "to fall in line" - which suggest a downward movement (you can only fall down) - "with acceptable standards," Pan Trinbago should express its plight as" seeking assistance in raising the bar in its quest for managerial and procedural expertise."
Pan deserves no less than this. It is too important an instrument / institution to be spoken / written about as having the need to "fall in line" with anything but excellent standards.
The image above is but a reflection of "falling in line" thinking. It represents pan's tombstone and unless this acceptance of foreign intrusion into our cultural affairs without safeguards is curtailed, then PanTrinbago and our Ministry of Culture is doomed not to raise bars but to continue to "fall in line with acceptable standards."
I mean, can you imagine Boogsie, Ray and Pelham composing their own tunes for Panorama and they are forced to arrange an inferior calypso or Boogsie ends up with Ray's tune, Ray ends up with Pelham's tune, etc.
It just won't work.
bands are sopose to play what ever tune they want this year last year ???? i what ever .f all the
bands want to play mary have a little lamb that's what they want to play
bye the way dont mean to ply in your buisness how old is your son
then again every one is entitle to their own opinion