As Claude Gonzales wrote, I too, "disagree with the storming of 14-17 Park Street, and the terrorizing of Forteau" This action is expressly lawless, and unlawful, considering what my be interpreted in Justice Boodoosingh's ruling from a legal perspective for and against either side. (The legality of the foregoing statement is open to public scrutiny and criticism)
In the discussion THE METAMORPHOSIS of PAN TRINBAGO posted on November 24, 2017,
"Pan Trinbago in my opinion has to metamorphosize, as it just cannot continue in its present form and structure, it's terms of reference must change. It's composition and purpose has to be expanded.
the TADPOLE must go through a process of metamorphosis and become a FROG, and not continue, or be expected to become a bigger, and mature tadpole, as a bigger and mature tadpole has no future, it serves no purpose or usefulness in the puddle where it was spawned, as the puddle will eventually dry up to the demise of the tadpole.
It may be expedient to document and share the failures of Diaz and Pan Trinbago, but it was bound to happen regardless of who was in charge, because the tadpole that is Pan Trinbago was only becoming a bigger tadpole and not a frog. `
As the form and structure of the tadpole changes with time, the metamorphosed frog now becomes a hunter, and is no longer sustained by sucking the nutrients in it's immediate surroundings for its survival as a tadpole does. The frog has different feeding habits to the former tadpole, its diet changes, it seeks out prey as necessary.
I am sure that there are persons who identify with The CIP with the capacity to ensure that metamorphosis that Pan Trinbago must go through to become relevant in a global environment. Many of the initiatives that were listed as failed, may be as a result of A tadpole attempting to BE a frog. Frogs eat ants, if tadpoles attempt to eat ants the ants will kill them, and eventually eat them.
That is the analogy I can present to simplify what may be happening to Pan Trinbago, what has happened at 14-17 Park Street, and I do not see The CIP advocating for, or making strides towards contributing significantly in any way towards effecting the change necessary anytime in the near future.
As The Battle for 14-17 Park Street, Port of Spain rages on in this 21st century, the ICT age, the age of AI, it must be noted that warfare is now virtual. The negative global socioeconomic impact, and geopolitical fallout associated with hostilities, outweighs the consequences of hastily made decisions. In an age when conflict resolution in civil matters demands diplomacy, tolerance, the respect for the rule of law, open hostility must be discouraged and condemned as regressive.
I (Still) do not see The CIP advocating for, or making strides towards contributing significantly in any way towards effecting the change necessary anytime in the near future.
I Still believe that; if any measurable progress can be made in the short to medium term, it is necessary to recruit fresh talent, elements of the catalyst of change necessary to transform the image of 14-17 Park Street, and to fulfill the raison d'être of the organization. Not adult tadpoles (displaying tendencies immortalized in Kaiso by the late great Carlton Joseph), but metamorphosed frogs, encouraged, supported and directed as necessary by willing and available qualified experience.
Physical aggression must be discouraged and condemned, and anyone of influence on either side who refuses to openly do so, is complicit in its perpetration.
Cecil: Right now in this PAN TRINBAGO WAR -- there is some REAL BADJOHNISM going one. Ah wish some of the people in TRINIDAD would come and enlighten the readers on this forum. Actually, I have to update the longtime term BADJOHNISM to GANGLANDISM.
Cecil hinkson 7 hours ago-:
"The ting is the CIP has NO authority to do ANYTHING and is forcing Photo to use the courts with PT money to finish his mandate. It's time we hear from some of the people that is interested in running for office".
An anonymoys crawler slipped a copy of a jpeg image of the attached social media conversation to my inbox. I have absolutely no idea who that person is. However, its content may give a clearer insight into the decision making process of the CIP, and the root cause of, as Mr. Hinkson put it; "...the CIP has NO authority to do ANYTHING and is forcing Photo to use the courts with PT money...".
Let the court of public opinion be the judge.
I believe that is is absolutely necessary for members of the global steelband community to continue advocating for good governance in Pan Trinbago. I also believe that good governance of any entity cannot be achieved in isolation, but in unison with other acceptable best practices consistent with good governance. Elements absent from the existing governing structure, and nonexistent in the rhetoric and perceived intent of those subtly offering themselves as alternatives.
Claude Gonzales may be on to something when he suggests that;
Glenroy Joseph in my opinion is absolutely correct in the discussion he posted;
I would encourage continued dialogue (it's healthy), in our effort to realize measurable progress.
its a good thing they dont own the building
injunctions may have the furniture etc on park street
"Pan Trinbago in my opinion has to metamorphosize, as it just cannot continue in its present form and structure, it's terms of reference must change. It's composition and purpose has to be expanded."
This is indeed true.
However , the mistake many are making is not realizing that such changes have to come from WITHIN the organization , using its own rules and by-laws.
Little will be accomplished by force or outside pressure , and they know it.
In other words , the CIP or any other group cannot change the operating methods of Pan Trinbago ( or any corporation , for that matter ) from the outside ; they will have to take control of the organization by established methods (elections) , and then change the structure and mandate from within.
I would assume that any group challenging the leadership of PT have a prospectus of such proposed changes available to the public for scrutiny ,as part of their election campaign..
If not , then what are their plans ?
The ting is the CIP has NO authority to do ANYTHING and is forcing Photo to use the courts with PT money to finish his mandate. It's time we hear from some of the people that is interested in running for office.
CIP provides discomfort
Before Martin Luther King was murdered he was asked to denounce the riots in the American cities. He refused and said he could not and would not. “A riot,” King said, “is the language of the unheard.”
I'm by no means comparing CIP's actions to that of the protesters of the 60s. But CIP's agitation on the ground and this Forum's Internet presence brings attention to the situation.
Will the new or makeover leadership team that will be eventually elected have the vision to start the transformation? The Pan Movement has the brain trust that can be put to work to change the tadpole into a frog. Of that I am sure.
Will the real candidates please stand up. We eh want no surprises.