At least in GEORGIA people are MAKING NOISE!!! But in TRINIDAD everybody staying quiet.
And after the ELECTION OVER and SHEPPARD and FORTEAU and JOSEPH hijack the organization for the NEXT THREE YEARS -- that is when EVERYBODY is going to WANT TO MAK
For years I have been on THIS FORUM talking about the PAN TRINBAGO DEBT which I first estimated at $5000 and currently ranges anywhere between 30 and 54 million -- depending on who you talk to. And of course I was always attacking THE RIGHT HONOURABL
Travis Mulrainethe next Assistant Secretary of Pan Trinbago. Having been a player for the T&T National Football team and in his present capacity as coach, he has had experience in team building. He is a very forceful and blunt talker and he will cal
Maybe the INVADERS MANAGEMENT stack the deck in FAVOUR OF THE MEN. Just ah little CONSPIRACY THEORY I am conjuring here. Maybe they knew that BEVERLEY had an IMPORTANT PRIOR ENGAGEMENT PLANNED and they say: Good, we go have the Q & A on Sunday aftern
As much as members of the fraternity love to run around talking about "THE CONSTITUTION" -- PAN TRINBAGO has always been a DICTATORSHIP where one or two men MAKE UP THEIR OWN RULES as the need to hold on to power DEMANDS.
They say that THE RACE has boiled down to BYER and SHEPPARD. I never saw SHEPPARD in the HAND -- but once FORTEAU STACKED THE DECK with FAKE BANDS, SHEPPARD STOCK hit the SKY knocking BEVERLEY and VALENTINE out of the race.
And that has been MY COMPLAINT about her from DAY ONE!!!
Clearly, ROBERT AMAR is THE BEST CANDIDATE for THE JOB!!! But anybody who know ANYTHING about TRINIDAD knows that AH INDIAN will never to be elected to RUN PAN TRINBAGO.
I'm impressed with the interest that is shown for the up coming election in T&T, it sends a clear message that they are ready to do whatever it takes to bring back some dignity to the Pan movement. TOGETHER THE SKY IS THE LIMIT...
FORTEAU and SHEPPARD and JOSEPH are going to give YOU ALL "free and fair elections" -- I must be missing something. These same men who stole FIFTY FOUR MILLION DOLLARS from PAN TRINBAGO are suddenly going to get RIGHTEOUS and hold FREE and FA
Former Port of Spain mayor Keron Valentine plays the national anthem as members of his slate Team New Times stand at attention at Newtown Playboyz panyard, Woodbrook last Thursday. Valentine is seeking election as Pan Trinbago presid
Beverley: This is SERIOUS BUSINESS. Ah sure yuh see THE LIST with the 185 BANDS. And you know that is a FRAUDULENT LIST. You and Denise BITE UP so bad because of my little bit of POLITICAL PICONG and allyuh seem to be UNFAZED by this RIGGING that FO
You have Duprey and Amar and Marcus Ash and Kanhai and Sandra Awaii and others who could all come together and come up with an INDEPENDENT CORPORATION to MOVE PAN FORWARD -- they don't need PAN TRINBAGO to CONTRIBUTE TO PAN.