Of the 8000 PAN PLAYERS in TRINIDAD, I don' think any one of them could live up to the rigors and requirements of representing THE PAN GLOBALLY. And though the QUALIFICATIONS are not STATED, they are IMPLIED on a number of LEVELS.
... dem YANKEES have more BASEBALL and BASKETBALL more than TRINIDAD ... so BEVERLEY, why neglect THE PAN MEN yuh making me FEEL SAD -- ah say: CALYPSO and STEELBAND and the PAN MEN is the CULTURE OF TRINIDAD!!!
I spent my whole life (knowingly and unknowingly) waiting to hear that PERFECTLY RECORDED PAN NOTE. And as the PANS got BETTER and BETTER the notes came closer and closer to my dream -- more so L-I-V-E than R-E-C-O-R-D-E-D. But then the DIGITAL ERA c
You don't have to restrict your choice to TRINIDAD -- THE PLAYER could be from NEW YORK or LONDON or EUROPE or CANADA. But you have to remember that PLAYING THE PAN is only like 50% of the JOB REQUIREMENT. THE PLAYER has to bring a whole BUNDLE OF CH
Bishops High School Student Conference. These young people jamming. I so enjoyed spending time with them. Thanks to the students for your engagement and enthusiasm during our presentations and ending with a bang. They are awesome.
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Pan Trinbago Inc. T.C. Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Sunday November 3, 2019 at the N.C.C. V.I.P., Lounge, Queen’s Park Savannah, Port of Spain. Starting time is 10:00 a.m.
Registration commences two hours earlier at 8:00 a.m.
Ah really thought that by now TRINIDAD would have produced a GLOBAL PAN STAR gracing stages around the world and producing best-selling CDs and getting music reviews here and there and appearing on talks shows in AMERICA and in a film in HOLLYWOOD an
"Citing the late Merchant’s calypso Caribbean Connection, Ramsey-Moore reminded the large turnout that Merchant’s Caribbean Connection was held in Tobago and that the final of the National Panorama
Let's pray for Dr. Roy Cape's full and speedy recovery after he sustained a non life threatening injury from a fall earlier in the week. The Doctor is in high spirits and is resting comfortably at the moment.
Steel pan was little known outside Trinidad, the island-nation of its invention, in the early 60’s when Rupert Sterling, an exchange student from the Caribbean island of Antigua, arrived in NYC to study engineering. Rupert soon found hims
"Steel pan has come a long way in Guyana. It has been in the country since in the 1950’s. Because of challenges such as cost and maintenance, the steel pan music was on a break for a while. However, in 2008, things were