And think about all the DECEMBER DISTRACTIONS!!!
Read more…And think about all the DECEMBER DISTRACTIONS!!!
Read more…I am removing GREGORY LINDSAY from my list of candidates for PRESIDENT OF PAN TRINBAGO!!!
I am down to 29 CANDIDATES now!!!
Read more…Of course I would expect some POSITIVE REVIEWS in some GLOBAL NEWSPAPERS. I don't quite expect them to end up in the PAS Hall of Fame -- but a little short of that ANDY MARK is good enough for me.
Read more…Everybody swear that they understand the PAN HISTORY and SOCIOLOGY but they have a real problem demonstrating the knowledge (which is ever changing, anyway). PAN MEN are who PAN MEN were and we should all understand that.
I know for a fact that there
Read more…From today onward, I am taking off my SHEEP COAT and putting on my WOLF COAT and I eh taking NO PRISONERS. If you cannot put up a decent piece of MUSIC to impress me, I am descending into the GHETTO and telling you where to HIDE THAT MUSIC.
Ah so gla
Read more…The CIP says keep Park Street. no more money for rent anyway. We will settle for the land and the unfinished building on the highway. very sure we can do something about the eyesore Pan Trinbago refuses to finish.
Ha, great minds thing alike. Mr alex
The best tasting cake in the world is officially a Trini one.
Trinidadian chefs, Michelle Sohan and Kathleen Lange made the country proud after their c
Read more…Ah hope we have TWO JOBS coming once they GAIN OFFICE!!!
But RUSSELL say that AQUIL is only a FRONT!!! And with 30 men (ON THE LIST) vying for 10 JOBS -- it eh looking good for me and you at all.
Read more…Ah never see ONE MAN come and shake up the forum so. Especially the WHOLE CIP ARMY. Now I know for ah fact ("for ah fact" -- ah even have to watch my redundancy now when I post ... Lord have Mercy this vernacular ting go get me in trouble) that the C
Read more…Dr. deLight: I need you to vouch for me, being the supreme intellectual and psychologist that you are. Just because I happened to agree with a few of the points that Russell Providence made (points that I have pointed out many times over the years),
Read more…With his first solo album in 1979 Andy Narell took the steelpan out of the steel band and brought it into the jazz band, and with every recording and concert since, he has explored the possibilities and expanded the role of the pan in con
Read more…Open political battle for control of PAN TRINBAGO on the FORUM. And in the end IT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE because NOBODY has the GLOBAL VISION for PAN down in the MECCA. Every day we seeing the varied advancements made by the instrument across the GLOBE-
Read more…But many people still believe that PAN MEN should RUN THE TING!!!
Read more…I dropped my guard for a minute and allowed the CIP to sell me some SNAKE OIL and I start believing their propaganda. But Russell Providence came on the forum and tell me that he see KEITH DIAZ building a COFFIN and he asked DIAZ who the coffin was f
Read more…Executive tries to replace the Diaz as commissioner on NCC board.
By Aquil Arrindell
Bacchanal in the country,
Dictator Diaz bawl like a cow
Somebody try to replace he
They want him out now
It is alleged that the executive met to discuss and ap
Read more…KEITH DIAZ stands to make about THREE MILLION DOLLARS from PANORAMA 2018!!! Stop that CASHFLOW and he is a HALF DEAD MAN limping into the 2018 elections. Vulnerable for the first time in years.
But we love we PANORAMA so bad/to boycott it yuh have to
First Class KEYBOARDISTS will be able to sit down in the studio and produce the most sophisticated PAN MUSIC the world has ever heard. Well I did see it coming but NOT from the ORIGINAL SOURCE. How many decades ago did these two meet and start charti
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