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Well I made a decision today to STOP CRITICIZING BEVERLEY RAMSEY-MOORE on THIS FORUM ... And ah know that some people will say that BEVERLEY BUY MEH OUT or she WUK OBEAH ON ME ...


... even BEVERLEY is going to go back to TOBAGO and give the OBEAH MAN ah $5000 and tell him THANKS for TAMING CLAUDE GONZALES.


Certain INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE in the PAN BUSINESS in TRINIDAD have prevailed upon me to STOP ATT

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Views: 404

Mr. Merrytonestothebone: Right now all meh nerves just ah jumpin' with this series starting tomorrow and these BAY AREA radio stations just killing me with talk about HOW GOOD THE RAPTORS ARE ......

... so please don't make things worse for me.

I have said 1000 times on THIS FORUM that the day that I am driving down the road switching channels on the radio (and with SIRIUS ROAD now -- boy in PLENTY PLENTY SWITCHING GOING ON) and I hear a piece o

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Views: 67