So Mr. Arrindell and Mr. Alexander: You don't need no 68 point plan and no 100 man administrative team to TAP IN to these resources (both LOCAL and FOREIGN -- excuse the redundancy) as a starting point. And this could be initiated by establishing a S
I shouted those words on Sunday last, in appreciation of the scintillating performance of Coffee Street, San Fernando band, Skiffle, in Adam Smith Square, Woodbrook, Port of Spain, at the second event put on by the
When Steel Talks extends our deepest condolences to panist/arranger Andre White and his mom, Colleen White on the passing of his grandmother. She will be missed by When Steel Talks family.
pictured from left to right - ADLIB’s Lisa Mayers [in hat],
The Bermuda Heroes Weekend Pan in the Park event is taking place this afternoon [June 17] at Victoria Park, with people coming out to enjoy a relaxing afternoon of steel pan music.
The Pan side featured in Pan In The Park is Paul Smith & De Onion Pa
I have never been to an AA meeting but I understand that the FIRST STEP is to admit that you HAVE A PROBLEM (powerless over alcohol and that your life has become unmanageable). So it is time for EXPATS on THIS FORUM to admit that they are POWERLESS O
GOVERNMENT SUBVENTION and THE PANORAMA EVENT -- that is how PAN TRINBAGO is currently funded. And that led the organization into FORTY ONE MILLION DOLLARS IN DEBT. The PAN FACTORY -- which was supposed to make the movement rich -- ended up closing an
I tend to defend my organization Pan Trinbago with a passion from all who see it as a soft target or their favorite whipping horse when trying to get their points across on financial matters. And when I speak, I speak as an authority on the business
Washington, DC-- As the second week of Caribbean American Heritage Month kicks off, Von Martin announced his book tour in partnership with the Smithsonian
"Calypsonian Abbi Blackman is taking matters into her own hands to ensure that her songstress daughter Nailah Blackman wins the BET award for which she has been nominated.
Abbi has written a letter to Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley asking him to moti
Steelpan News Media - We have been following the on going saga within Pantrinbago. We've put together the highlights. Let us know your thoughts and opinions on what is taking place within the Steelpan movement and among the executive of Pantrinbago
Like THE MOVIE stuck in LIMBO. No kinda PLOT DEVELOPMENT!!! The same TWO CENTRAL CHARACTERS just going BACKWARD and FORWARD in and out the OFFICE and the COURT.
Not ah SEX SCENE!!! Not ah SHOOT UP scene with all the GUNS they have down in Trinidad!!!
Contacted yesterday Diaz again quoted Article 9 - A. 1, of the organisation’s constitution, which says the president shall be the CEO, preside over all meetings of the central executive committee and of the general body, and also be
A few years ago Pantrinbago came up with the brilliant idea to pay Players a stipend of $1000.00 for performing in Panorama, nobody objected to it in the beginning but it created a lot of ghost bands especially in the single band category that create