“Selfishness, greed, and maliciousness”.
The New Day
Those were the words used by the Grenada Steelbands Association (GSA) in launching a broadside against a rival faction that has moved to unseat the incumbent President, Jason Skeete.
The G
WTH! Fake News?
Nope, it’s true.
So you thought that the Panorama Drama ended on February 22nd when Justice Kevin Ramcharan granted an injunction that cleared the way for Exodus to change their tune of choice for the Finals of the 2019 Panorama comp
Lincoln Noel - Master Craftsman - Steelpan Tuner
Also known as “The Pan Doctor,” Lincoln Noel was one of Trinidad & Tobago’s most celebrated Pan Tuners in his day.
Read more…Two of the greats in one video. Natasha Joseph and Jimi Phillips
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Does anyone know the answer to this mystery?
Read more…Kendall Williams will be the 2020 Panorama arranger for the defending Medium Band champions Pan Elders Steel Orchestra.
Read more…New York, USA - “Set Goals, Stay Focused and don’t be afraid to fail (pressure can either bust pipes or make diamonds….and you, darling, are diamond material). Also don’t get caught up in changing who y
When Steel Talks is pleased to announce that Errol "Augmented" Zephyrine is alive and well. He was one the Invaders Steel Orchestra pioneers and standout musicians. He also represented Starlift Steel Orchestra in the Trinidad and Tobago National S
Read more…From Pan Elders
"Good Morning... As the saying goes..."nothing lasts forever". With that said, the Executive committee wishes to formally announce the resignation of Mr. Duvone Stewart as arranger for Pan Elders Steel Orchestra. We understand that wh
Read more…“Being a member of Phase II, it is very humbling yet proud for me. I love it there because we are all like family - everyone with their own personalities but we get along for one purpose. I love the rigorous practice sessions and just to acknowledge
Read more…When Steel Talks extends birthday greetings to Hueloy Yip Young..
Read more…“So many bonds are formed in the panyard between people of all ages. There’s a deep sense of love each person shares for the artform, and that love is carried on stage. Those 8-10 minutes mean everything to me. Panorama is an experience like no oth
Read more…WickenburgSun.com
Sunday, April 7, the Friends of Music conclude their 45th season with this final, free concert performed by The Desert Winds Steel Orchestra scheduled for 2 p.m. at the Wickenburg Community Center. The doors open at 1:30 p.m. and r
Read more…Duvone taught the students "Englishman in New York," which he has renamed to "Trini in Baltimore."
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“I just found out it is a quite fun and interesting instrument with a very unique sound... Not many Chinese people saw or knew this instrument before, actually. My family and friends are very supportive with this new instrument I introduced to them.
Read more…With a fruitful, 30-year career under its belt, the Cobre Steel Band has won a spot in the musical tastes of Cubans
author: Eduardo Palomares Calderón
SANTIAGO DE CUBA.– With a fruitful, 30-year career under its belt, the Cobre Steel Band has won
Read more…“I remember one year we had a performance in South on Mother’s Day and Len “Boogsie” Sharpe stopped the bus to buy flowers for every female player on the bus, whether or not you were a mother. It’s little things like those that go a long way within
Read more…Pan anthem for T&T Olympic medalling athletes
What are our thoughts surrounding T&T’s national anthem to be played ‘by a T&T steel orchestra’ at Olympic Games or other international games when T&T athletes are being medalled?
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