Pan Times's Discussions (7494)

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Cyril Khamai, global pan pioneer

Trinidad & Tobago Guardian

Cyril Khamai, the gentle man with a big smile and an understated pioneer of pan.Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - As the unmistakable sound of pan continues to spread across the farthest reaches of the globe, it is perhaps worth pausing to take stock of these early pan pioneers. Beyond the members of Taspo and

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Where is Panorama at 50 years?

phase-sb.jpg?width=340Trinidad & Tobago, W.I. - ....Lingering in the minds of the pan enthusiasts are other burning questions as the race climaxes: What is this Panorama milestone first prize? How many notches up will pan move following this era, given the next 50-year sh

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Police and the Pan pushers

Tillah Willah

....I’ve been here before.The last time I remember the police being so hognorant at Panorama was when Papa Patos was at the height of his unpopularity. The Guard and Emergency Branch were on a rampage. One scraped my arm and tried to g

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Calypso dead

By Raffique Shah

Trinidad Express

CALYPSO, the unique art form that defined Trinidad and Tobago for a hundred years, that clever, creative combination of lyrics with rhyme and melody to haunt the living and awaken the dead, is dead. Gone to a great c

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