For Sale

A complete small band , 4 tenors (high), 3 double seconds , 2double guitars, 1 treble cello  1 high 4 base , 1 low 6 base ,1 dudup , all pan stands and sticks. 1 Pair of congas, cow bell ,tambourine, maracas , scatcher and irons ,Also included 1 Yamaha power mixer and drum machine, 2 Yamaha (large) speakers with telescopic stands and the monitor and stand. all drums chromed but the base . Only serious inquiries please . Husband retiring from teaching pan , call Bob (crazy Theroulde ,   Edmonton alberta Canada , 1 780 440 3714.

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  • email me at   patijtoth@gmail .com

  • email me at , the band belongs to my husband , Bob Theroulde . he will answer you on my email.   Thanks Patricia

  • Hello Patricia, I am a university professor in Minnesota interested in the who band. Might you have an email address to correspond with?


    Andrew Martin

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