Steel bands - What is the future for steel bands?

I believe that things have never been better for pan players and steel bands. With the convergence of social media marketing, this is a fantastic time for talented players to develop their networks and extend their profiles online. The biggest challenge with this is how to develop a USP and differentiate from the next band who is doing the same thing.



It is no different from a sports car designer, or fashion designer or bridal wear company, or Tablet PC manufacturer competing in their individual sectors. If you do an image search for steel bands or steel drum bands on Google, you will see how 90% follow the same line of thinking. You may even see 3 or 4 wearing tropical shirts from the same supplier. A software upgrade is needed, maybe a new hard drive also. The same solution can be applied to the other 4 sectors mentioned above. 

All the top steel bands in London have been upgrading their websites and demos and extending their reach online, almost like someone adding lipstick and high heels to stand out. Big Sand has also launched a basic Youtube promo:

Going forward, I see more synergies with talented players, web designers and other cloud assets to refine the services. The top bands will become more like brands and the music will be of a much higher standard. At present, there are too many amateurs on Youtube and too many talented people who are stuck in a time warp. The talented people need to collaborate and the amateurs need to develop their skills before showing their hand.

I would be delighted to hear your views on any of this.


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  • Unfortunately 99% of us in the pan world do not see pan as a business. We still have an amateurish approach.

    We do not support each other. "I am going only if my band is performing." That sentiment is like the mantra for the average panman, panwoman and panlover.

    Have you ever tried contacting any of the large steel Orchestras via their websites. Good Luck if you did, because I have never been replied to. I always try to encourage the average panmen to start reading so that they can learn about their artform. What do you expect when the elders do not train the upcoming pannist about the history of the band they are playing for. I asked three young pannist a certain question about their respective Steel Orchestras. What is the first and only Steelband that won a "Band of the Year?" Which is the only Steel Orchestra to make the first 11 panorama finals? Which band has been to the panorama finals the most? Would you believe that none of them knew the answer which was about their band.

    Now I cannot blame any of them for their ignorance. But I must blame their elders.

    Look another thing I have noticed. Some older players return to Trinidad for carnival and I get angry when the present management would not even stop the band a say, "this is so and so, he played this or that pan and helped made this band what it is today, he played with the band from so and so year to so and so year before he went away. 

                                                                                           Love Peace and Pan


  • and I meant, "when developed"
  • FANtastic,fantastic,fantastic. You are certainly giving all panists something to think about. You are pointing them in the right direction. From thinking, there comes an idea(s), which, when develope,  becomes a plan and then reality.

    Great job bigsands, you are thinking person.

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