So have we in 2019 reached that dreaded 'glass ceiling' where bands that are outside that 'big 5' sacred circle are thrown under the bus? The message that this sends to every other band is that no matter how hard you try, no matter how proficiently, well-arranged and executed, no matter how 'top drawer' a performance, the answer will always be a resounding 'No'. Unless judges don't get overly swayed by popularity and/or fan enthusiasm, unless they dare to use objectivity and make independent choices, avoid pre-conceived ideas and focus on each actual performance, there's a good chance of losing some pools of absolute talent. Judges' decisions could have very far-reaching consequences, positive and negative. Judges should remember that they're watching the very best efforts that each band is bringing and their collective decisions can be literally a matter of life or death for some bands.
Judges, ALL the bands deserve your unbiased, independent and objective attention. The finals represent another opportunity to 'do the right thing'. Let's see that right thing done, please!