Clarence Curvan Orchestra "Speak to me of Love"

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Parlez-moi d'amour" is a song written by Jean Lenoir in 1930.An English translation was written by Bruce Sievier and is known as "Speak to Me of Love" or "Tell Me About Love".This song was also on the soundtrack of the classic Humphrey Bogart movie "Casablanca"From the 1962 album "The Greatest Sound Around", here is the Clarence Curvan Orchestra and "Speak to me of Love"..

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  • Reminds me of back in the day when we used to party and really dance in Belmont, Z Road!

  • Steel Drums?

    Jimmy Leyden

  • I'm drinking a 'brain-freezing' Carib (like Angela), as this music causes me to sway

    and reflect on the huge body of good music from great musicians of that era.

  • so wonderful, wish i had a partner to dance with,

  • A little break from the Panorama music.........

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