LEN "Boogsie" SHARPE ENSEMBLE ..(1993)

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Len Boogsie Sharpe and company at the African Street Festival held at the Boys and Girls High School, Brooklyn, New York in 1993.Also featured are Marcus McLaurine on bass, Greg Buford on drums, Frankie McIntosh on piano and Talib Kibwe on saxophone..

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  • nice music but the Soprano is slightly sharp to concert. Musicians must learn to tune their instruments accurately. I did.  paddy corea

  • Soulful Happening!!!

  • Ahhhhhhhhh,  Lovely!!

  • Terry, I am fortunate to know some people(like yourself) who have been documenting and achieving our culture, and I try to share everything I have or discover.

    My friend Gentle Benjamin who hailes from Grenada  is a former NBC photographer and culture lover  who created many high quality Caribbean videos for his TV show on GBTV (Culture share).

    He has posted many of these videos on youtube.

    He's done so much work I once asked him why he hadn't made commercial videos and he said he didn't think it was profitable.

    So whenever you see a Cultureshare video it is a high quality video done by someone with love and respect for the culture.,

    BTW his son is Casey Benjamin, a noted jazz saxophonist and session player.

  • WOW.....sweet, sweet music.  I was in Trinidad and finally met Mr. Boogsie in Phase II pan yard.  What an honor.  Keep up the great work all you musicians......loving it.

  • Too wickedly sweet.....pan & sax jazz overlaying a reggae bass & drum rhythm. Wow!

    Glen, I may come to raid your unique collection. 

  • First time I'm listening to this pantastic performance. Whey allyuh fellas hiding de music? Is it available on CD?

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