MIGHTY SPARROW "Age is just a number"(1995)

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Happy birthday to the Mighty Sparrow.Sparrow is seventy-seven years old today.I clearly remember when he burst on the scene in 1956 with "Jean and Dinah", and since then he has become the undisputed Calypso Monarch of the world..In 1956 I was ten, and I remember his immediate impact on the calypso scene.Here he is, still youthful looking, backed by Sparrow's Troubadours in a 1995 performance.I too would like to believe that "Age is just a number", but sometimes you just can't fool yourself :)

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  • Happy Birthday Birdie!!!
  • This is indeed a classic by  The Birdie..

  • Still cannot get enough of the Mighty Sparrow.  Have been following him since the days of old when he toured Antigua back in the sixties.

  • He will always be the "KING" of Calypso to me.   Happy Birthday Sparrow.   May you have healthy years for the rest of your life.  Love always Val

  • A very happy birthday to The Mighty Sparrow whose 1956 "Jean & Dinah" was a resounding hit throught the Caribbean....English, French, Spanish & Dutch. Thanks Glenroy....Have Peace thru Pan & good Calypso.


  • Still a great calypsonian!!

  • Happy Birthday Birdie!!!

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