Ronnie Chan and the Esquires -Theme from "Young Lovers"

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As rock and roll music became popular with the youth of the sixties, young musicians of Trinidad created a new sound, the guitar and keyboard driven sound of the Combo.One of the top combos of that era was the Esquires Combo, led by Ronnie Chan and here is an example of that combo sound.From the 1965 album "Young Lovers",this is The Esquires Combo, and The Theme from "Young Lovers".

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  • Hey Glen...Thanks for the memories, there was a combo side that regularly played on  Hazle Ward's, Teen Dance Party on TTT, I think they were named "Los Cabellros", do you have anything by them, we used to "fete" with them and Ronnie Chan a lot.........


  • SWEET!!.....Keep them coming.....

  • Oh Yes! I forgot Andre Tanker (Linstead Market);  Vic Lange Combo from South and Kabuki Strings. Some of your comments bring back so many wonderful memories.


    Keep up the "Excellent Work" Glenroy.


    Best regards to all the mebers and supporters of When Steel Talks. 

  • Have you got any of Casanovas.


  • Great music we danced to as youngsters. Wonderful memories.


  • You guys forgot the master Andre Tanker.

  • Anyone who can remember combo mania, could never forget the great sounding combos that were around during that era.Those guys ruled the fetes in those days. There has always been a wealth of musical talent in Trinidad and Tobago and the music keeps on evolving faster than anyone can keep up. That is a good thing. Thank you Glenroy, for sharing.

  • Truly magnificent. The combo music fever of the 60's spawned many bands throughtout the many islands

    of the Caribbean. Like Albert (below), I have lots of combo music from that period. Let's keep them coming, Glen.

  • -----Golden-----

  • This is before Bradley and Pelham.

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