Rupert Clemendore - Exerpts from the album "Le Jazz Primitif from Trinidad"(Cook 1961)

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Growing up in Trinidad in the nineteen fifties and sixties, we were exposed to many musical genres , from classics, to jazz to country, via the local radio stationsTrinidad's music in the twentieth century had multiple influences, including North American Jazz , and local jazz musicians were featured weekly on Sunday morning radio shows like Sunday Serenade.A notable Trinidad jazz performer of the nineteen fifties and sixties was Rupert Clemendore, a talented and versatile musician who played multiple instruments including bongos,drums, bass,vibes, and even horns.From the Cook album, "Le Jazz Primitif from Trinidad" (interesting name) here is the Rupert Clemendore band, featuring Rupert Clemendore on drums, vibes, bongo and such notables as Frankie Francis on Sax, Bert Inness on piano,Les Sargeant on guitar, Gerald Charles on bass and Clayton Peters on drums.Selections are "Prince Charming", "Bongo Mood", "We Mambo" "One Bass Hit"

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  • Thanks  so very much for this. Good very good memories. So many brilliant musicians such wonderful music, such good times dancing and enjoying the music coming out of our little homeland. Ah, so very good, so very good.

  • Beautiful Caribbean jazz of old. Just wished the tracks were longer.

    Thanks GRJ.

  • This guy is the bomb!!! Boppiest kaiso of all.

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